Chapter 12.12 TREES AND SHRUBS
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- 12.12.010 Purpose.
- 12.12.020 Enforcing authority.
- 12.12.030 Definitions.
- 12.12.040 Abutting property.
- 12.12.050 Permission to plant or substantially prune trees or shrubs.
- 12.12.060 Species of trees and large shrubs permitted.
- 12.12.070 Planting strip or drainage swale use and improvement.
- 12.12.080 Permission to remove trees or substantially prune trees.
- 12.12.090 Issuance of permit.
- 12.12.100 Removal of trees and shrubs – Procedure.
- 12.12.110 Nuisance declared – Violation.
- 12.12.120 Planting – Permit required – Approval.
- 12.12.130 Removal or abatement of nuisance.
- 12.12.140 Notice of resolution to abate nuisance.
- 12.12.150 Abuse or mutilation of trees.
- 12.12.160 Penalty.