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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1482 Amends Ord. 1021 § 25, public property 1971 Codified
Ord. 1481 Rezone Special
Ord. 1480 Rezone Special
Ord. 1479 Rezone Special
Ord. 1478 Emergency appropriation Special
Ord. 1477 Budget amendment Special
Ord. 1476 LID No. 83 Special
Ord. 1475 Amends Ord. 1024 § 24, speed limits 1971 Codified
Ord. 1474 Amends Ord. 1424 § 4, mobile home placement Repealed by 1843
Ord. 1473 Quorum at council meetings Repealed by 1807
Ord. 1472 Establishes voting precincts Codified
Ord. 1471 Repeals and replaces mechanical code Repealed by 1644
Ord. 1470 Repeals and replaces Ord. 1368, building code Repealed by 1643
Ord. 1469 Adopts fire prevention code Repealed by 1539
Ord. 1468 LID No. 81 Special
Ord. 1467 Rezone Special
Ord. 1466 Water and sewer bonds Special
Ord. 1465 Rezone Special
Ord. 1464 Street and alley vacation Special
Ord. 1463 Street vacation Special
Ord. 1462 Rezone Special
Ord. 1461 Repeals and replaces Ords. 311 and 893, public dances Codified
Ord. 1460 Repeals Ord. 1193 § 8, solicitors Repealer
Ord. 1459 Repeals and replaces Ord. 1323 §§ 2 – 26, city view cemetery 1971 Codified
Ord. 1458 Adds § 74 to Ord. 1306, amends Ord. 1306 §§ 12, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 54 and 68 1971 Codified